The Linton Lodge met at the Linton village Memorial Hall in Linton village from 1991. It was a very popular meeting place and received many visitors to this unique venue. Unique in that the hall had to be set up and dismantled for every meeting.

On Saturday the 30th November 1991, one hundred and fifty Brethren assembled in the large temple at the Masonic Hall Castle Grove, Headingley Leeds to witness and take part in the ceremony of consecration of The Linton Lodge No.9444. To be immediately followed by the installation of the first Worshipful Master R W Brother David James Welsh – The Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Yorkshire West Riding.

At 3 pm the PDC called the Brethren to order to receive;

R W Bro. D J Welsh PGM

V W Bro. John K A Bromley DeputyPGM

W Bro. William W Howroyd PSGD APGM

W Bro. F John Yates      PSGD APGM

W Bro. Vernon Outram     PSGD APGM

W Bro T George Turnbull  PJGD APGM

They and the Grand Officers & the Provincial Grand Officers were saluted in due form. The procession entered to the hymn “Hail Eternal by whose aid”:

The founders of The Linton Lodge 1991

Founders first meeting minutes

        Minutes of the first meeting of the Lodge founders. (Saturday February 16th 1991)

    A meeting of prospective founders took place at the Village Hall, Linton, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, at 10.30am in the presence of the following;

R.W.Bro David James Welsh, the Provincial Grand Master and Brother G.R. Fraser Platt, A. Royle Brear, John Culpan, F.Y. McKendrick, Peter Steel, Harold B. Wrathall, Kenneth Milner, George Turnbull, Kenneth Lunn, Elwyn Hughes, Cyril R Holmes, Arthur C Cook, Peter Spear, Jim Steggles, Ian Tanner, W. Durkin G. Michael Shipman, Mike Pinder, Brian J Geraghty, John D Steele, David Dale, Derek Walker, Robert Debell, R.B.Robinson, Stephen Wright, Harry-Piercy, John Roberts, Keith Playforth, Stephen Lunn, Allan Deaton, Brian Emmett, Martin Gray.

    A short welcoming address was given by Brother G.R. Fraser Platt who said that though this morning’s Meeting was the culmination of two years work, it was just the beginning of a lot more hard work and he hoped that all there would feel they wanted to be a part of this work. 

    He then put the meeting in the hands of W Bro A Royle Brear who spoke at length about the name of the new lodge to be formed. Local names such as The Linton Lodge or The Wetherby Lodge were not taken up with a lot of enthusiasm and the Provincial Grand M David J Welsh suggested “The Lodge of Universal Brotherhood”, this met with a great deal of approval, W.Bro Brear then suggested that the Lodge of David was particularly appropriate for besides having historical Masonic connotations it was not in use in our Province and was by chance the christian name of our Provincial Grand Master, a vote was then taken and it was resolved that the new Lodge should bear the name, “The Lodge Of David”. W.Bro Brear then invited R.W. Brother David James Welsh to take the chair of the meeting and explained to the brethren the Grand Lodge ruling that the senior Grand Lodge officer in the founder members was expected to be the first Worshipful Master and that R.W. Brother David J. Welsh had indicated his willingness to do this if it was the wish of the brethren, W.Bro A.Royle Brear then proposed and W.Bro G.R. Fraser Platt seconded that our Provincial Grand Master, R. W. Bro David J Welsh should be the first Master of the Lodge of David, this received an enthusiastic reception and was approved unanimously. The Provincial G M then proposed and W.Bro C.R. Fraser Platt seconded that the first Immediate Past Master should be W.Bro A. Royle Brear PAGDC? PPSGW; this was also unanimously approved. 

    A long discussion then took place on the nights which were available for letting from the Village Hall these being, any Tuesday or the 3rd and 4th Thursday in the Months October to April inclusive and it Was resolved by a majority vote that the 3rd Thursday would be for the main practice and that the 4th Tuesday would be the day of the regular lodge. W.Bro G.R.F.P. was asked to communicate this to the Management Committee of the Village Hall. 

    The Provincial GM then said that it was necessary to appoint a secretary, and he proposed that W.Bro C.R. Fraser Platt should be·elected, this was seconded and approved, it was also thought that an assistant secretary was needed and Bro Martin D. Gray volunteered to help, this was also approved, the PGM asked that W.Bro K. Milner should lend his experience by being our Treasurer and this was approved. It was proposed by W.Bro. F. Y. McKendrick and seconded by W.Bro H.B. Wrathall that the treasurer should be given authority to open a bank account in the name of the Lodge of David and to sign cheques and receive monies on behalf of the lodge with the second signatory of cheques to be W.BRO C.R. Fraser Platt, this was approved by the brethren. 

A collection was then taken from each of the brethren present of £10 from each brother who intended becoming a founder member as a sign of serious intent being for immediate working expenses. 

     A  Steering Committee was then appointed to consider various questions and report back to the brethren this was to consist of The Provincial GM and Bros Brear, CRFP, John Culpan, K. Milner, Martin Gray. 

    A short discussion took place on the question of Founders Fees and the costs formation with regards to regalia and other expenses, the Secretary said the regalia which was not provided by donation would be obtained at trade price, Brother B Emmett said we should ensure that the founders fee was not pitched too low as monies could always be refunded if it was too high. The secretary suggested that these questions of finance could be discussed by the Steering Committee. The Meeting closed at 12 noon. 

  [Signed by D J Welsh]

Founders second meeting minutes

Minutes of the Second meeting of the Lodge founders. (March 16th 1991)

        A meeting of the founders of the new Lodge to be formed at Linton Wetherby, West Yorkshire was held on Saturday 16th March at 11 am at the village hall Linton, Wetherby.

Present were David James Welsh-Master designate, A R Brear, G R Fraser Platt secretary, F Y McKendrick, Elwyn Hughes, Ian Tanner, J Culpan, R Debell, D Walker, J Steggles, Gordon Smith, John D Steele, B J Geraghty, M Pinder, S Wright, T A Cole, A C Cook, G Tempest, S Tempest, Peter E Steel, B Emmett, Trevor Broadley, Harry Piercy, J Roberts, T G Turnbull, K Milner, W Durkin, Peter Spear, M Shipman.

The minutes of the last meeting held on 16th Feb 1991 were read, confirmed & signed.

Matters arising; The treasurer W Bro K Milner confirmed that an account had been opened at Barclays Bank, Market Place Wetherby in the name of The Lodge of David & monies received at our first meeting deposited.

R W Bro Welsh said that some brethren had reported that a fourth Tues. was somewhat awkward & could our meeting night be altered to the last Tuesday in the month of Oct to May but excluding December, which was in any case a busy month for everyone. It was agreed that our installation should be in May with scroll night taking place in April.

Steering Committee report; G R F P reported that a “SC” met on Saturday 2nd March at 19 Market Place Wetherby at 9.30 am & had decided to put the following points forward for consideration at this meeting.

1 Founders fee to be £150.

2 Initiation fee £75 plus all such fee due to GL & PGL plus VAT.

3 Joining fee £30 plus all such fee due to GL & PGL plus VAT.

4 Our PGM to approach Doric Lodge regarding rituals.

5 Senior practices would commence at 7 pm on the 3rd Thursday 

6 The Half Moon Inn, Collingham to be approached re catering.

It was proposed by W Bro F Y McKendrick & seconded by W Bro John Culpan that all these points should be adopted, the brethren approved.

Lodge name; Our PGM said he had received reports that our name viz ‘The Lodge of David’ had been the subject of some undesirable comment & pointed out that he had been against it but had bowed to the majority decision which had been minimal, ie 13 to 12 at our last meeting. A large number asked if we could change the name and the PGM said perhaps the brethren would let the secretary know their preference –  The following names were put forward;

1 Lodge of Universal Brotherhood

2 Patriot Lodge

3 The Linton Lodge

4 The Wetherby Lodge.

Financial year; It was proposed by W Bro K Milner & seconded by W Bro J Culpan that our financial year end should be December 31st.

W Bro Elwyn G Hughes asked if the list for founder members was still open. Our pGM replied that we really did have enough PM’s but room could be found for possible two more MM’s, but as a general consideration we would have to show care due to the slightly limited space in the hall.

It was decided that our next meeting should be on Sat 4th May 11 am


H B Wrathall, C H Platt, K Lunn, D Dale, C Holmes.

There being no further business the [meeting] was closed at 1204 and the brethren took coffee & biscuits which had been prepared by Mrs Trudy Fraser Platt and Mrs Peggy Culpan.

  [Signed by D J Welsh]

Founders third meeting minutes

                Minutes of the third meeting of the Lodge founders. (May 14th 1991)

        A meeting of founders of the new Lodge to be formed at Linton Wetherby, West Yorkshire was held at the Windmill Inn Linton at 1030 am on Saturday 4th May 1991.

The village hall could not be used due to the weeklong occupation of a pack of Brownies from Leeds.

Present were 31; W Bro David James Welsh Prov Grand Master of the Province of Yorkshire West Riding and Master designate, R Fraser Platt, K Milner, R B Robinsons, E G Hughes, D Dale, H Piercy, J D Steele, J A B Jackson, C H Platt, B Geraghty, P Steel, D Walker, H B Wrathall, P Spear, G T Turnbull, G Thompson, A M Gibson, F Y McKendrick, T A Cole, G Smith, D G Strachen, M Pinder, J T Broadley, C R Holmes, G M Shipman, P Brooke, J W Turnbull, S Wright.

There was no alcohol drinks before the meeting.

Minutes;  The minutes of the last meeting held on 16th March 1991 were read confirmed and signed.

Matters arising;  The name “The Linton Lodge” was found to be the choice of the large majority of the brethren & after a short discussion it was then unanimously decided to adopt this title as our official Name.

Lodge Committee;  After a discussion it was resolved the the Lodge Committee should be comprised of the following-

WM, SW, JW, Sec, Treasurer, two past Masters elected by the past Masters and two Master Masons elected by the brethren.

Dress at Regular L, Practice L;  After a short discussion it was proposed by W Bro H B Wrathall and seconded by F Y McKendrick & by a large majority that at Regular Lodge dress would be – Dinner Jacket, at Practice – Jacket & Tie

Interviewing Committee;  It was decided that this should comprise, WM, DC, IPM, Sec, Treas plus 2 MM’s

Consecration Date;  The secretary reported that he had tentatively booked The Masonic Hall, Castle Grove, Headingley, Leeds for the whole of Saturday 30th November 1991 subject to confirmation by the founders, Diaries were produced and the Secretary was asked to confirm this date and venue.

Visit to Doric Lodge on Friday 17th May 1991;  The secretary then reported that a visit to Doric Lodge Harrogate had been arranged for Friday 17th May 1991. Meals had to be ordered & once ordered must be paid for at a cost of £6 to £7 each. This was the evening when hopefully the brethren of Doric Lodge will agree to sponsor our Lodge & their Master & Wardens would sign our petition to Grand Lodge.

Founders Fee;  The Treasurer then informed the brethren that if it was helpful to the founders he would take the founders fee in instalments.

Sunday Social;  It was decided that the founders & their wives should attend a summer Sunday lunch or buffet in either June or July and Bro Ian Tanner was appointed as our social secretary. Our Prov G Master stressed the importance he places on the backing from our Ladies in all our efforts.

Our Prov G Master then congratulated the following brethren who were to be appointed or promoted in the Provincial meeting at Harrogate next Tuesday;

E G Hughes to be appointed to PP Dep GDC

F Y McKendrick to be appointed to PPSGD

J D Steele to be appointed to Prov SGD

D Walker to be appointed to Prov JGD

G R Fraser Platt to be promoted to Prov Sen GW

Apologies were received from; W Bro’s A C Cooke, G Tempset, K Lunn, J Culpan, B Emmett, Bro’s P J Rider, I Tanner, R Debell

The secretary then read out a list of Regalia still to be obtained & informed the brethren that W Bro A R Brear had designed a founders jewel which he then described. The brethren approved his remarks & it was decided to proceed on this suggestion.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 1137 am and the brethren adjourned for a celebration drink in perfect peace & harmony.

 [Signed by D J Welsh Jan 16th 1992]