The Lodge Banner explained

The Linton Lodge No. 9444, having a diverse membership covering both professional and artisan occupations, living within the locality of a 5 mile radius, gave rise to examine our local heritage and history over the centuries. In order to follow within these immediate surrounds we find Linton, Collingham and Wetherby have for centuries been an area renowned for agricultural development – a Toll Gate, Staging Post, Business Centre, Roman encampment, rest and hospitality area. Thus accounting for the presence of The Granary, Flint Mill and districts still called Barley Fields, Millbeck Green, Castle Ings, The Shambles and other old well known areas.

With this historical background and the modern development which still incorporates many of the old facets, the Jewel shows the picture of fields, water, windmill and roads to distant horizons which are incorporated within our Masonic symbols.The blue sky – that celestial canopy to an ethereal mansion, that house not made by hands but eternal in the heavens to which we all hope to attain. Veiled from mortal eyes by seven stars which by their regularity give rise to that perfect number constitutes a perfect Lodge. The sun, that Grand Luminary giving life, light and nourishment to all within its sphere, and the attendant moon with its benign influence offer a blessing to all mankind.

The fields, water and windmill remind us of the elements required to grow crops, the sun the ripen, water to sustain life and the mill to help our passage through life. The ears of corn standing by a fall of water confirm plenty to those who work diligently and well, and a belief in an unshaken help from above.

    The windmill, having four sails, remind us of the Four Cardinal Virtues viz Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence and Justice. These sails have eight external angles which in turn also offer Secrecy, Fidelity, Obedience, Benevolence, Charity, Honour, Truth and Virtue. The Masonic wind blows favourably from due East to West to propel these sails within an all embracing circle, and to which it reminds us of the whole Masonic Circle and universal brotherhood.

    The Jewel covers a symbolism to show new life, the passage of time and the fulfilment of complete works which, upon comparison to our Masonic life, shows our early years into masonry, the gain of knowledge and the wisdom of age. To this end our Latin Inscription of “Audaciter et Sincere” which when translated signifies ‘Bravely and Truly’ add a fitting description to what we all hope to look back on a life well spent, and whose reward shall be with him, according as we have worked well or ill.

As delivered by W Bro Elwyn G Hughes PPSGW at the Banner Inauguration ceremony in 2007

The design of the jewel and banner; Was compiled and created by W. Bro. A R Brear PAGDC, PPSGW to whom the members of The Linton Lodge are greatly indebted.